Seasoned Big Lap Travellers Share Practical Tips for Travelling Australia
Matt, Tanikka and their kids from @kidstravelaus are on their 2nd big lap around Australia. Join them as they share some tips that worked best for them while travelling. Check out some of their favourite camping spots/places and the items that they cannot live without…
Have you also completed the Big Lap or are you, first-time travellers? What sort of experiences are you hoping to have once you embark on this journey?
Welcome to Aussie Travel Stories, the series where we ask Aussie travellers questions to help inspire and educate the Big Lap community to enjoy the greatest road trip of their lives.
Tanikka: Hi Big Lap Bible, I’m Tanikka
Matt: I’m Matt
Tanikka: We’re KidsTravelAus
What’s Your Travel Story?
Tanikka: Who do we travel with?
Matt: Well I travel with her, and her three kids. They are nine, seven, and six
Tanikka: They’re up here, in here somewhere.
Why did you decide to do a Big Lap?
Tanikka: Because I’m mwah *finger gestures*
Matt: Someone had a few too many drinks
Tanikka: We.
Matt: We hehe, and we decided let’s travel Australia.
Tanikka: Yeah, that’s what happened, and then we did
Matt: Didn’t really believe it, wake up in the morn to someone researching caravans and then a month later
Tanikka: We had a caravan
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Where are you now?
Tanikka: We are in Karratha. We’ve been here for a while we’ve been here sitting and working upping our funds because we work and travel and we are leaving Karratha in two days
What’s Your Set-Up?
Tanikka: We have a Belmont, a bug van, we upgraded though, we didn’t start off with a Belmont or a 200 series. We started off with an Expander and a 100 series that broke down 400 billion times on the way. That’s okay we made it.
Matt: Part of the journey.
Where do you generally stay?
Tanikka: Both, we say both here yeah?
Matt: Yeah generally stay at both
Tanikka: You meet different people at both and it’s cool
What is the best camping spot you’ve stayed at?
Tanikka: I don’t know, I like Perlubie, it’s not a free camp, I think it’s 10 dollars, donation? It was beautiful. That was down in South Australia
Matt: Honesty Box?
Tanikka: Everywhere, 40 miles nice and WA. Everywhere is different and everywhere is nice
Matt: A lot of the beach camps we like
Tanikka: Yeah beach camps 100%. Anywhere on the coast.
Is there a place you won’t go back to?
Tanikka: No, no way. Every experience is different eh? You might have a shit time there, you might have a shit time one time and then it’ll be good next time
Matt: We haven’t seen everywhere to say there’s a bad spot.
Tanikka: Yeah that’s true.
Related: Get 100s of Discounts for your Big Lap with Our Livin’ Barry platform
Where can’t you wait to go?
Tanikka: I can’t wait to go to Rottnest, we haven’t done Rottnest Island yeah? I want to get a selfie with the quokkas. On my page, you’ll know how much I love a good selfie, especially family selfies. With a quokka involved, you’re doing alright.
Do you travel with pets?
Tanikka: No. No pets.
Your scariest or funniest memory?
Tanikka: Oh well Matt wins this one. Matt’s scared of dingos, dogs, and anything dog-related. Only when they’re not our dogs or dogs he know. And I’ll just take the piss out of him every single time because it’s funny. If he fills that with petrol and we’re in the NT I’m like “Ooh there’s a dingo over there”, and he would jump in the car that quick.
Tell us about the item you can’t live without
Matt: Your wine glass.
Tanikka: That’s right, that’s right. And the Yetis. The Yeti one, the Yeti wine glass, any Yeti item. Yeti wine glass, Yeti beer cooler, Yeti water bottle, the Yetis.
Matt: And the barbeque, broth of the beast.
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Tell us how you fund your Big Lap
Tanikka: First time we didn’t really fund it. We kind of just scraped the barrel.
Matt: We saved a little bit, and then we ran low and we started working and made a bit of coin, kick out the next spot.
Tanikka: Stop and work, stop and work, stop and work. We’re on our second lap now so it’s working.
How much do you spend and what is your biggest expense?
Tanikka: Our biggest expense, I reckon, easily will be food and nowadays, fuel 100% and it will be everything all in.
What’s something you know now but didn’t do before you left?
Matt: Oh I never knew how to change a caravan door handle.
Tanikka: Oh yeah we’ve gone through a few of those.
Matt: About a dozen of those.
Tanikka: And I reckon also, how easy it is. Travelling’s not that hard, it’s pretty easy.
Matt: You just jump in and go off.
What is your favourite thing about travelling?
Tanikka: Getting in and taking off. If you’re not happy somewhere, you’re not feeling it.
Matt: Off to the next spot.
Tanikka: Freedom. Let’s go!
What has been your biggest splurge?
Tanikka: I said Yetis but you said that’s not a splurge, is that what you said? That’s a splurge because they’re not a necessity. What else is a big splurge? I guess the experiences, like whale shark experiences, going to islands are not a necessity but it is a splurge but I think it’s so cool
Matt: Yeah it’s a part of travelling. You got to splurge out and do it.
Tanikka: We’ve just like, we’ve missed it. And only if you can, there are so many other ways to experience things.
Matt: Especially if you’re from the east coast, you’re going through Queensland you’re always splurging on theme parks.
Tanikka: Yeah that’s actually a good point
Is there anything you bought but don’t use as much as you thought or it wasn’t worth the money?
Tanikka: Heaps. I’m going to start off with Tupperware… ladies, you don’t need it. It takes up so much room.
Matt: You don’t need six pots and pans.
Tanikka: You need some of it, some of it I can’t let go off, but you don’t need old Tupperware. Especially the bottles. I replaced the bottles with Yetis.
Matt: Bowls and cups coming in there.
Tanikka: Oh the bowls. Yeah, the bowls and plates are good, and the cups.
Were you affected by the lockdown?
Tanikka: We weren’t really affected by it. We had somewhere to stay and we were locked down.
Matt: I worked all lockdown.
Tanikka: Yeah he did and it was all good for us.
What is your biggest tip to other big lappers?
Matt: Just do it.
Tanikka: Yeah just get out there and do it. What do you get to lose? What do you actually have to lose? If something goes bad it’s just going to become a funny story later on. Keep on keeping on. See you guys.
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